
As part of my work at IBM, I had to improve a booking software that was used to book some testing computers and to create a proof of concept of a web console to eventually migrate the current desktop console.


  • Improve the phpScheduleIt software to keep more details about the computers that can be booked
    • Add fields to the form information from one machine and add them to the database.
  • Creating a Proof of Concept on using Google Web Toolkit as a tool to build a web console
    • Create sample applications.
    • Try libraries like GWT-Ext for other graphic elements.
    • Do performances testing.
Technologies: , , ,

Develop a web application that allows creating a Subversion repository and managing user’s permissions to read and write in it. This application was made for the STEP comity.


  • Being able to create and edit repositories.
  • Only people from the École Polytechnique can create repositories, but they can add external people to read and write in them.
  • Being able to give a repository to someone else at Polytechnique.
  • Having a space quota that can be adjusted.
  • To have an auto cleanup of accounts and repositories to have a self-managing application.
  • Allow users a choice of receiving or not “commit” by email.

The web site

Technologies: , , , ,