
As part of my work at CGI, I participated to add some functionality to the Charter website. That company sells Internet, cable and phone services.


  • ATG BCC (Business Control Center)
    • Investigate the import and export of assets.
    • Enable the export of the custom types.
  • Service layer performances monitoring
    • Make the maximum threshold of execution configurable globally, per service and per method.
    • When the threshold is reached, show a warning in the log.
    • The monitoring of methods is done with AspectJ.
  • Error page: show the profile ID on it for the helpdesk.

The web site

Technologies: , , ,

As part of my work at CGI, I participated in a project at Aimia (Aeroplan) to help create a service that evaluates the value of an Aeroplan reward versus the requested item (airplane flights). This is right after phase 2.


  • Analyze business needs versus data that can be obtained and used.
  • Develop business rules based on available data.
  • Design and develop a part of the solution.


  • Application using Java and Spring Source.
  • Create jUnits tests for everything that is developed.
  • Improve some unit tests written previously to use the Spring tools.
  • Improve error handling because some problems were added by changing the tactics between phases 1 and 2.
  • Improve the orchestration of the solution since it became too big after the additions of features.
  • Document the possibility of having a tool that continuously tests the new code compared to the production one.
Technologies: , , , , , , , , ,

As part of my work at CGI, I participated in a project at Aimia (Aeroplan) to help create a service that evaluates the value of an Aeroplan reward versus the requested item (airplane flights). This is right after phase 1. Phase 2 is to have a job that checks all new bookings of flights and adds those that have not worked or were not found. It adds all the entries in the queue.


  • Analyze business needs versus data that can be obtained and used.
  • Develop business rules based on available data.
  • Design and develop a part of the solution.


  • Application using Java and Spring Source.
  • Create jUnits tests for everything that is developed.
  • Create the database DAO for DB2:
    • Create the domain objects classes.
    • Use JDBC Template with RowMappers to read data.
    • Use JDBC Template to write, update and delete the data.
  • Create REST web service and client to:
    • list all bookings to be added to the queue.
    • change a reservation state to tell if it was audited or not.
  • Change some business rules from the analysis of data by the auditors.
  • Add functionality to the web application to help test manually:
    • Possible to obtain the data production in batch and zip them for use with a Mock.
    • Display the content of the new table that lists unaudited bookings.

On the side:

  • Create a Perl script to generate a file containing the airports and their cities to fix an issue in another system that impacts on the audit.
Technologies: , , , , , , , , ,

Cette application est encore en phase Beta étant donné qu’elle est très ambitieuse. Le but est de créer facilement un serveur web à la maison sur lequel rouler des applications qui accèdent aux données locales. C’est donc une plate-forme pour exécuter des applications sur votre ordinateur principal, mais à partir de n’importe quelle machine. Une autre façon de le voir est de vous dire que c’est un genre de Google Apps, mais qui roule sur votre ordinateur plutôt que sur ceux de Google.

Technologies: , , , , , , , ,

As part of my work at CGI, I participated in a project at Aimia (Aeroplan) to help create a service that evaluates the value of an Aeroplan reward versus the requested item (airplane flights).


  • Analyze business needs versus data that can be obtained and used.
  • Develop business rules based on available data.
  • Design and develop a part of the solution.


  • Application using Java and Spring Source.
  • Create jUnits tests for everything that is developed.
  • Create tools to help testing with jUnit:
    • Tool loading JSON data to compare the desired results.
    • Tool to validate the format of the REST requests and responses.
    • Tool to validate the contents of the database after a test.
  • Create the database DAO for DB2:
    • Create the domain objects classes.
    • Use JDBC Template with RowMappers to read data.
    • Use JDBC Template to write the data.
  • Create the business classes and the mappers between those classes and the DB domain classes.
    • Have the business rules to compute the useful data.
  • Access web services using RestTemplate to retrieve information such as the equivalent points of a reward and the price for trips.
  • Create XSLT to transform a JSON request to a SOAP message and the reverse for the response.
  • Create a web application to help testing manually:
    • View all the values in the tables for a specific entry in the database.
    • Delete all the values in the tables for a specific entry in the database to be able to retry inserting it.
    • Compare views and tables of the database.
    • Post a request in the queues (the entry point of the developed solution).
    • View the messages in the queues.
Technologies: , , , , , , ,